Did Someone Say Reparations?

Centuries of Lies and Deceit?
One would be very foolish to believe that he or she can expect reparation from the primary source of the damage. Just look at them. The Republicans cannot agree on whether to allow minorities the unmitigated right to vote yet. So, finally, we have reached an era whereby God and Nature have provided us the unfathomable resources to avert a world catastrophe!
I learned about the 40 acres and a mule lie 70 years ago. Some people believed it. My father did not! He believed what most Native Americans believed, especially the "Creek Indians." He was half Creek. "They speak with forked tongues." This verbiage expressed my dad's opinion about the forty acres and mule stuff. As an incredibly young man, I was genuinely concerned about getting the forty acres. The mule was not so exciting. It may seem ridiculous that a six-year-old boy worries about finances and survival. We had no choice. Most black people learned the game incredibly early.
My adolescent years were tumultuous. Unfortunately, or fortunately, I was exposed to some real foul stuff. By the time I was ten years old, I had observed the residue of a black man hanging in the woods. At the age of fourteen, I saw the mutilated body of one of our friends in the community. By the age of fifteen, my sister's close friend died because of being lynched. He was a soldier at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
Please do not interpret what I am saying as a vehicle for evil. On the contrary, the evidence thereof is evil. It truly breaks my heart to expose this horror. I feel it necessary, however, for me to express from whence I get my assertions. History has a way of clearing the air if the story is TRUE. The term "his" in history is ridiculous! His, to me, implies one person's account. Therefore, his story is far less convincing than ours or "our story." Nevertheless, some still believe that the conquerors were allowed to write history. This attitude was once genuine and worked well if it was within reason. However, the alteration of the entire history of a people requires that no remnants of the culture remain.
After the 14th century, Kemet became Egypt. Today, there are profound remnants of the Kemetic society. Some have stated that Barbarians destroyed artifacts, statutes, and other vital documents that defined the Kemetian culture between the 15th and 17th Century. Coincidentally, this was the time shortly after Christopher Columbus' journey of the Americas.
It is no secret now that the Nubians were the inhabitants of the Pyramids. The Sphinx was damaged during this destructive period to send a message. Why was the nose cut off? Few people, if anyone, in America, can provide us with the answer to this question. It has been hidden for the same reason the Tulsa massacre was not revealed. They knew the curse I wish not to reveal in this blog. The remnants of black people are sprinkled all over Egypt and other parts of the globe. Many cultures acknowledge this great culture of people. In America, it is hidden. It did not fit into the American narrative of black people being intelligent. It still does not up until this day. It could be frightening that the people you demean are more intelligent than you. If we keep it real, we will all understand that our culture was inherited from OUR CULTURE, if you get my drift.
Hidden Agendas
I laugh as I observe misinformed people continue to espouse century-old, debunked lies. But unfortunately, some believe that the same tiring tactics are relevant. "The beans are already out of the bag." One cannot hide from himself! God is inevitably Good! Nature has systematically provided blessings to all humankind. We are only conduits for these blessings.
Let us look at the Tulsa Massacre in 1921. For one hundred years, this horrific event remained secret. Why? Why were these facts hidden? Our ancestors were wiser than most believed. I can remember these horrific truths discussed in front of a coal-burning fireplace in the hills of West Virginia 71 years ago. Yet, at that time in space, I was unaware of the value of this wisdom being passed on to me. Slavery was so frequently disgusted in my family until my memory concerning the Tulsa, Oklahoma massacre is faint. I saw this as a small event in comparison to slavery. Memories embedded in my mind about slavery were so horrific that they diminished the thunder of all other stories told to me at that time. Our parents and grandparents repeatedly mentioned the Tulsa massacre, however.
Why discuss the past?
Why not? Something is compelling about truth and history. So why are events being deleted from the account? Our ancestors were aware of the value of history. All during their enslavement and indeed after, many of their captors understood their accurate intelligence but would never admit it. Greed, corruption, power, and control are a few words that describe the reasons for the massacres of millions of people of color here in America. Savages, inhumane, and mongrels are a few kind words some have used to describe and identify people perfectly created by a power that some humans have difficulty understanding.
Some still believe hiding their past will protect them and their offspring from embarrassment or ridicule. But, unfortunately, this ship has already sailed. It sailed when America enslaved millions of black people for hundreds of years, not knowing the creature's innate abilities that were enslaved. If the slave owners had done due diligence, they would have known that the animals they believed to be inferior were wiser than they assumed. It has taken centuries for our ancestors to perfect a process that will free all humanity, not just people of color.
Almost three hundred years before my grandfather was born, black people had been fighting for freedom. During "slavery times," as my mother would say, black people solicited many prayers, believing in relief. Ironically, their innate beliefs in God were unknowingly imposed upon them by their captors. Thank God! This showed you how much slave owners knew about the creature they were enslaving. Had their captors known that the religions imposed upon the slaves were the religion of choice of the slaves? I am sure that this will never happen. This same religion, Christianity, depicted stories quite like the inscriptions written in hieroglyphics within the tombs in Kemet. These beliefs had been in place for 4000 years BC. Slaves took to this religion as fish brought to the water. Slaves mentally eliminated parts of the scriptures that were being taught for control and contrary to their past understanding of God. God is all-powerful! Remember? "Seek and ye shall find". "Knock and the door shall be opened".
Opportunity For All
God allowed slavery to exist for more than four hundred years. We have built a great nation, much of it from free and cheap labor. Many have become rich and even super-rich because of this slave labor. Still, many believe that slavery was simply acceptable. Some believe that the slaves owe them for room and board. I can assure you that they do. That is fine! One can think about what he or she will or may, but we know the end to this story, and so does God.
The red birds shined a light on the bodies of our ancestors who died in the Tulsa massacre. This redbird’s appearance signifies that your ancestors are thinking about you from heaven. This vibrant red bird is also called the messenger of God. The tenets of God have provided our people with blessings that are unknown to most. Unfortunately, a few know the truth but continue to hold on to the lie. We laugh as they twist themselves into pretzels to appear honest to the public. Someone once said: "Oh, what a tangled web we weave when we practice deceiving." Deception is compounding and confounding.
I realize that I spent an enormous amount of time talking about slavery in this blog. Why not? Slavery has been the most devastating infringement upon human life in all history. The Holy Bible, translated by the infamous King James, did not depict such horror. Willie Lynch's letter to slave owners was only a picnic, no pun intended, as to what occurred during slavery. One can cry FAKE NEWS forever, but black people will never forget. We know exactly what happened, and so does God. We cannot hide from the EYE of Heru!
Believe me or not, God has already repaired us. Man cannot give us reparations for the damage done by man. Our ancestors prepared us to rely on God for our reparations, and God has delivered! All humanity must unleash itself from lies and evil. There is no question that we are not responsible for the misdeeds of our ancestors. If we are under the curse of evil through association, we must again learn to channel this evil. It will always appear more brilliant and suggestive than other choices. Truth and honesty will set you free. We can Channel, Harness, and Convert this evil into positive resolve regardless of our race, creed, color, or religion. All the rules of the program are applicable. They are straightforward. Remember "My yoke is easy"?
Let us not miss this enormous opportunity for clarity as a nation and a world. I realize that this session has been much about what little apparent past remains. But I want you to know how and why I am sure we are on the right track. Truth speaks LOUD! We have thoroughly vetted our assertions. There is a history that goes untold about the least of us. Sometimes, there are some inspiring verses in unsung songs. Please be mindful of the fact that we love all people. God made us all and will continue to bless us if we acknowledge TRUTH. We are in a new age - The age of mentality!
Just, John