Some are Still Fighting the Inevitable

The universe has an order; no matter how hard we try, we will not reverse its course. Once one is in tune with the universe, it is easy to appreciate its fairness. The universe has laws of reciprocity. These laws are elementary to understand, but overzealous human beings lead others to take courses with this understanding. This is done on most occasions for self-aggrandizement. Their followers foolishly believe that these foolish assertions will advance them. Those following these unsound dictates will incur significant setbacks without a doubt.
We cannot hide from ourselves.
Everywhere we go, there we are! I watch misinformed punish themselves as they increase their drug intake. I watch them stress and strain over decisions that are foregone conclusions for those with level heads. I am not casting aspersions. If the shoe fits, wear it. It is not comical but ironic to see what is occurring in many affluent neighborhoods. Many living in these neighborhoods have looked the other way, as less affluent neighborhoods have been subject to poisoning for many years. Now, these same drugs are coming back to consume those who have been in a position to do something about avoiding this catastrophe.
In past years, I have observed previously incarcerated individuals who had endured prefrontal lobotomies and other various drug experiments. This was done many years ago. I am a seasoned gentleman. There is no telling what other vile experiments have been performed on residents of these poor neighborhoods.
Now, all of a sudden, there is an urgent need to fix the opiate drug problems that we are now facing. These problems have existed for many decades in poor neighborhoods. Now, I guess it is “coming home to roost.” This is only the beginning. The retribution that one must suffer when having a malignant heart is overwhelming.
We can expect even more signs.
The universe has a conscience! Still, some believe they are entitled to more despite having it all. This is laughable! Regardless of how hard they try, nature will balance their actions with a reaction. Their efforts will intensify, for they will become frightened and attempt to conceal their shortcoming. They will reject the truth. They will shy away and refuse to even look at the truth. It is happening as I write this blog.
There is little for us to do now other than respect the dictates of nature, and we will be fine. Sooner or later, those that defy nature will self-destruct. Sit in your favorite chair, get a bowl of popcorn, and watch the show! We have passed into a new dimension.
Thank God!