The Sacrificial Lamb?

Are they humans? Some are now deciding not to accept the truth of any kind! Call them what you will or may; they still believe they can hide their ancestral indiscretions by closing their noses, eyes, ears, taste, and touch to all reality. Most rational people feel that doing this would only exasperate their self-imposed curse and force honest people into real dark places globally, not knowing the consequences of their actions.
People understand that one cannot change his or her past! No one holds it against anyone for something a person cannot control. Just like a bell, you cannot un-ring it, but you can make its tone less irritating the next time the gong goes off if reasonable efforts are exerted.
Our Former President, Mr. Trump, stated, "It is what it is!" He was correct. Unfortunately, one cannot soften the irritating sound of a bell if he or she cannot admit that a bell has rung! The entire planet has heard the annoying sound of this bell of lies and deceit! This cannot be undone and will NEVER change! However, one can unleash herself or himself from evil and inherit the blessings of God!
Watch them squirm. For some, it is simply entertainment. They grab their bags of popcorn and favorite drinks daily to watch the clown show. It is incredible to see a movie for which we already know the ending. How can we anticipate the end? Some of us have inherited programming or a six-sense, as some call it, within our genetic makeup.
The conscious actions of our ancestors may or may not have influenced their unique programming, but nature has a way to right all wrongs. Nature and God have many tricks for which humans have little or no knowledge. We do not know whether our timing is correct when the end will come, but we know that humans are concerned about when this will happen. This is only natural!
Those privileged to wave a whip of dominion over millions of people obviously could care less about or did not understand the passages they consciously force-fed to those they had ultimate control over for over 300 years. Ironically, select Biblical passages increased enslaved people's hopes of freedom, even though the skill of reading was prohibited. Genesis 15: 13-14 states: Then the Lord said to him, "Know for certain that for four hundred years your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own and that they will be enslaved and mistreated there.....
One would not be very observant if they missed the urgency of some people's desires to subdue the will of the people now at play. Authoritarians used similar tactics for eons. Knowledge and people-power are the weapons of free people. Our ancestors before and after slavery in Kemet understood the fruits of this wisdom. They understood that wisdom was the key to freedom, but time was always on their side regardless of how long it would take. People from different parts of the planet are not as impatient as some may believe. Many can "eat elephants one bite at a time." Just like the elephants that they eat, they never forget.
Anyone enslaved indefinitely would be braindead to believe that NOT learning to read would hasten their freedom when the threats of death prohibited reading. Those with the privilege of control were misinformed of these things even until today because they have lied to themselves and their offspring about brilliant people and attempted to convince the rest of the planet also. They must have constantly reminded themselves that their subjects were aware of nothing and like "empty barrels." They convinced themselves that people, unlike them, were not human, deserving respect and dignity, obviously with no mind or spirit. Some erroneously believe this until today. If they only knew the fuel they provide for positive conversion by availing themselves of world scrutiny, I could assure you they would quickly reverse their positions.
Attempts to destroy a great nation of people failed! The Great Pyramids, Sphinx, artifacts, hieroglyphics, and statutes all over the planet do not lie. Why wouldn't some be surprised to know that slaves designed mental, physical, and spiritual devices to trip the freedom cord? Cruelty and lies are the catalysts that have inspired many to surreptitiously invent technology to unleash the body, mind, and spirit from slavery permanently. Some have created technology so advanced that world governments cannot understand the premise from whence it comes. Still, some are so anchored to their self-imposed curses that they are squirming to un-ring bells for which they have no control. Some are foolish enough to continue to deny that a bell has ever rung. "Oh, what a tangled web we weave once we practice to deceive"!
FREEDOM FOR ALL! Breakaway from the anchor of lies and deceit! Once one cleanses his or her spirit, the flesh will quickly obey. Many are depressed. We use all types of pills, potions, lotions, and other devices to relieve us from stress and pain, whether mental or physical.
Some believe there is no way out and have tried almost every trick in the book to ease their troubled minds. Some mistakenly believe their ancestry or race bars them from relief. These assertions are not realistic. However, we can expect this when we are mentally attached to evil. We can now see why many people bury their heads in the sand because of past embarrassments or self-imposed curses. The programming works both ways. When one creates a program that is disrespectful to human life, this person also disrespects God and Nature.
It became easier for slaves to understand the mentality of the slave masters as time progressed. They spent most of their free time studying why another human could mistreat them cruelly and unusually for so long. Once the non-indentured servants were genetically connected to the stories of their ancestors, who were the authors of the religion being imposed upon them, they took to Christianity as a fish takes to water. The story was already in their heads through their genes. They later learned that their ancestors had inscribed a similar story of a child born to a virgin in hieroglyphics on the walls of the tombs of the Great Pyramid in Kemet, now called Egypt. What a coincidence! Many were not specifically from Kemet, but their genetic attachment was extraordinary. Slaves already had the story of Assad and Asset, Osirus and Isis in their heads. The Eye of Heru/Horus watched over them secretly as they endured a horrifying season with little security, as they still do, even as I composed this blog. They will never forget this sordid season.
Was it true? Was their religion being altered and used as a weapon against them? Is this why they and their offspring are readily attached to Christianity until today? Their captor's blatant disbelief in God frightened the people in bondage. They observed that their bondsmen ignored entirely the laws that they were prescribing, and they realized that those holding them in bondage were in a worse condition than even their bondage, as they never believed in the religious doctrines that they were espousing. They were not aware of the conduct that was necessary to please God. This saddened bonded people as they were conscious of what one could expect if they disrespected God. It was self-evident. This is why many people in bondage were easy to forgive because they were wise enough to realize that their captors were lost of all humanity, and that is very unfortunate! Genius 15: 13-14 explains the end story.
We must learn to channel, harness, and convert evil into success. Please continue to read our blogs. We will provide information to enlighten our spirits and guide us toward a more perfect planet. God and Nature have taken 400 years to create a vaccine to subdue evil. Although the African slave suffered enormous pain, coercion, and suffering, as foretold in the scriptures, it will inevitably provide the planet with the necessary herd immunity to kill the virus of evil!
Black people were anointed as the sacrificial lamb for humanity! We are unsure of when it will arrive. Perhaps our children or our grandchildren will be able to see unadulterated freedom. We do not doubt it will come on God's schedule. We are still faithful and can remain steadfast regardless of the schedule. Indulge and enjoy this blessing.
God has now provided good things for us all! Do not miss the opportunity to connect to the global diaspora of people destined to please God, absent adjustments imposed by humans and religions.
Just, John