Isometric ExcellenceMost are unaware of the continuous research being undertaken in the study of the Isometric abilities of people who are the ancestors of...
When We Stoop Low?Do They Know? It is not difficult to understand why some people cling to one dimension. The physical dimension is beautiful, and it is...
Is The HELA "Monster" in You?Blessings From Above I laugh every time I think about it. I see people rejecting the COVID19 vaccine but have ingested just about every...
Elephant in the Room of Health CareThere has been little mention of collections, scheduled fee controls, debt write-offs and other important factors in the debates about...
You could be part of a Super-Human Engineering project!Just the Facts We can hide it with statistics, deny its existence, or embrace it and move on. What we do with it at this moment is...
High cholesterol 'does not cause heart disease' new research finds, so treating with statinsJune 13, 2016 Henry Bodkin VisualDNA Audience Analytics API Import End of VisualDNA Audience Analytics API Import BEGIN Krux Control...