Human Connection or Else
In past seasons, humans and hominids have evolved, and the difference between a "human being" and one who is not quite human is evident. However, if we observe the actions of some individuals today, many of us question whether some who present themselves as humans possess the mental capacity required to claim the title. They seem to have lost all connection with humanity. This is the very reason I am writing this blog. We believe all humans have been endowed with a divine program distinguishing them from hominids. However, we also think that some humans have been reprogrammed, altering this God-given programming and reconnecting them to a mental state that is no longer truly human. We hold that humans exist in at least three physical, mental, and spiritual dimensions. We engage with the physical realm through our five easily identifiable senses. The spiritual realm is under severe attack. Many are "clothed in sheepskin, but their hearts are like ravenous wolves." Many desperate people are lured into darkness by the promise of wealth. They are convinced that wealth equals godliness. The mental realm has long been overlooked, though we have discovered that it was the dominant realm in ancient times. We are finding immense value in focusing exclusively on this remarkable dimension. This realm has been wielded by those wise enough to understand its profound impact on the lives of many unsuspecting souls. We are not preachers, prophets, or practitioners of the spiritual realm, though some dimensions may overlap. We will discuss these topics in other documents we have created. We are fully aware that ancient knowledge has fallen into the hands of corrupt individuals who use it to perform acts beyond the comprehension of the untrained eye. Through observation and empirical research, we have adhered to age-old maxims to unlock the mysteries of past societies, which help us analyze and resist the outcomes sought by those with ill intentions. We believe that some of us have been reprogrammed to adopt the programming of our hominoid ancestors, severing our connection to true humanity. Our goal is to provide the tools necessary to bridge this gap and guide those lost back onto the right path. Identifying information, such as email addresses, phone numbers, or physical addresses, is not required to engage with our system. Anonymity is encouraged. Check out our YouTube video, which explains everything in more detail. If you like it, come back and join us at .