The 42 Laws and Ideals of Ma’at
Laws of our ancestors Our ancestors were observant of what would occur on our planet years after their demise. They understood what is required to heal the Earth once again after many years of longsuffering! They were observant of humans' relationships with God. Thank God we can find answers to many questions relevant to our existence right in the Earth's crust. Wouldn’t The 42 Laws of Maat and 42 Ideals of Ma’at make this world better today? Even thousands of years since they are believed to have been written, the 42 Laws of Ma’at, principles, affirmations, or commandments would make any society perfect today. If we address ourselves with laws #11 and fourteen of the Laws of Ma'at, we can easily see what is occurring here in America, which is a great cause for concern. 11- I have not closed my ears to the truth, and 14- I have not felt sorrow without reason. Notice that these two laws, and many others, are missing in many treatises designed to reveal the truth intentionally or by mistake. There are only two ways of looking at this. If we adhere to the words of Ma'at, we can be assured that our paths to balance are more recognizable. If we do not, we must ask ourselves if we have learned the TRUTH. It is indeed incumbent upon us as individuals to know good from evil. If we add the laws of Ma'at to our reasoning, I am convinced that we will realize the blessings that we have left lying on the table for more than four hundred years because of our lack of information. Some call this ignorance, but I will not go there as I am not remiss of the restrictions placed upon many people from obtaining information for centuries right here in America! Think about that one! I have been speaking of "unseen" blessings since 2016, as this was when there was a pressing need for everyone to understand that these blessings existed. We have the money to convert negative into positive, "evil to good" Romans 12:21, but if we are unaware of this ability, it will never happen for those who defy reality. Those who are wise now enjoy these blessings abundantly while others look in awe. Therefore, I am allowing all interested to see the missing link to many benefits. I read all forty-two confessions daily. They help me tremendously.
Ma’at refers to ancient Egyptian laws, philosophy, or concepts that promote order, balance, truth, reciprocity, harmony, righteousness, morality, and justice. Ma’at is personified as Ma’at, the Ancient Egyptian Goddess of Truth, Justice, and Order. She is usually depicted as a winged woman. The Goddess is often shown with an ostrich feather on her head or with a white ostrich feather. The feather of Ma’at was an essential part of the weighing the heart of the soul ceremony in the afterlife. This is where the heart of the dead person's soul was considered on the scales of justice against the feather.
The 42 Laws of Ma’at (Negative Confessions)
The 42 Laws of Ma’at – Negative Confession (also known as The Declaration of Innocence) is a list of forty-two sins that the deceased's soul can honestly declare has never been committed when it stands for judgment in the afterlife. The most famous list comes from The Papyrus of Ani. This is a text of The Egyptian Book of the Dead, prepared for the priest Ani of Thebes (c. 1250 BCE).
1- I have not committed a sin
2- I have not committed robbery with violence
3- I have not stolen
4- I have not slain men and women
5- I have not stolen food
6- I have not swindled offerings
7- I have not stolen from God/strong>
8- I have not told lies
9- I have not carried away food
10- I have not cursed
11- I have not closed my ears to the truth
12- I have not committed adultery
13- I have not made anyone cry
14- I have not felt sorrow without reason
15- I have not assaulted anyone
16- I am not deceitful
17- I have not stolen anyone’s land
18- I have not been an eavesdropper
19- I have not falsely accused anyone
20- I have not been angry without reason
21- I have not seduced anyone’s wife
22- I have not polluted myself
23- I have not terrorized anyone
24- I have not disobeyed the law
25- I have not been excessively angry
26- I have not cursed God
27- I have not behaved with violence
28- I have not caused a disruption of peace
29- I have not acted hastily or without thought
30- I have not overstepped my boundaries of concern
31- I have not exaggerated my words when speaking
32- I have not worked evil
33- I have not used evil thoughts, words, or deeds
34- I have not polluted the water
35- I have not spoken angrily or arrogantly
36- I have not cursed anyone in thought, word, or deed
37- I have not placed myself on a pedestal
38- I have not stolen that which belongs to God
39- I have not stolen from or disrespected the deceased
40- I have not taken food from a child
41- I have not acted with insolence
42- I have not destroyed property belonging to God The 42 Ideals of Ma’at (Positive Affirmations) In recent years, a list of 42 Positive Ideals was compiled by a group of priestesses as a parallel to the Negative Confessions of Ma’at. 1- I honor virtue 2- I benefit with gratitude 3- I am peaceful 4- I respect the property of others 5- I affirm that all life is sacred 6- I give offerings that are genuine 7- I live in truth 8- I regard all altars with respect 9- I speak with sincerity 10- I consume only my fair share 11- I offer words of good intent 12- I relate in peace 13- I honor animals with reverence 14- I can be trusted 15- I care for the earth 16- I keep my own council 17- I speak positively of others 18- I remain in balance with my emotions 19- I am trustful in my relationships 20- I hold purity in high esteem 21- I spread joy 22- I do the best I can 23- I communicate with compassion 24- I listen to opposing opinions 25- I create harmony 26- I invoke laughter 27- I am open to love in various forms 28- I am forgiving 29- I am kind 30- I act respectfully of others 31- I am accepting 32- I follow my inner guidance 33- I converse with awareness 34- I do good 35- I give blessings 36- I keep the waters pure 37- I speak with good intent 38- I praise the Goddess and the God 39- I am humble 40- I achieve with integrity 41- I advance through my own abilities 42- I embrace the All