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What Truth Got To Do With It?

The forked tongue

My grandmother was Native American. My father spoke of how the elders talked about "them speaking with forked tongues." So maybe we should investigate that "forked tongue" theory just a little further.

We know that during the Civil War in this country, some Native Americans fought for the South despite them observing the inhumane treatment of African slaves. Native Americans were attempting to get leverage in retaining their sacred lands. Unfortunately, this Allegiance with southerners did not work for them. Many lost their lands and thereby relocated to other parts of the country.

It's hard to persuade Native Americans that genocide was not part of the plan when their lands were invaded and disrespected. Some Native Americans believe that our government killed millions of Buffalo to deprive them of survival in some country regions. They also think that these individuals inserted tainted liquor into the Native American communities.

Can you believe that the American Buffalo is now on the endangered species list? Now America has a change of heart about the Buffalo. Unfortunately, I guess we now change depending upon who is in charge. This fluctuation is a recipe for destruction!


It is not difficult to see through most of the lies that have devastated many minorities in this country. Unfortunately, labeling has been the most helpful tool. Slave owners believed that slavery was an economic necessity. Therefore slaves were labeled inhumane chattel property. "Savages" was the name used to perpetrate genocide on an entire nation of Native Americans.

It would take me the remainder of this day to speak of the atrocities perpetrated upon helpless disadvantaged people in our country. Thank God. Nature is taking its course.

Laws of Reciprocity

Nature has laws as God has rules. Let us see how this works? In the 1970s, blacks realized that our government planted drugs in black communities all across our nation. Only God knows the damage done. Evil substances such as tainted liquors crippled Native American people.

Our original Americans and Blacks also have been deprived of adequate medical care. Perhaps this is a good thing, as those showered with Cadillac medical plans are now suffering from drug abuse. Now we have a heroin problem, but guess where it is happening?

Suddenly, the U.S government is concerned with heroin when it has infested the minority communities for eons with little interest.

Stuck on Stupid

Some people believe that they are mentally superior to others. This same group of people believes that "theirs" is the only way forward. They create flawed doctrines and are unwilling to relent in their opinions. Their history depicts their villains as heroes. Their views are so entrenched in society until entire communities are misinformed. The sad and sick part about it is that those who know the truth are silent or slandered.

It Is On Us

It has not changed. I smile every day as I watch a nation of so-called leaders of people unable to handle the truth. Politicians are lying, running, and hiding like cowards instead of facing the truth head-on. Who can respect anyone that is so impervious to the fact?

Many seasons have passed to enable humankind to correct the errors of its ways. Still, some believe that they can permeate the entire planet with negative assertions and live in abundance. "But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart, and they defile the man." So they throw down their religions and worship the wealthy and famous instead.

We are the ones that must take the blame and be responsible for the next episode. We must ferret out the truth whenever possible, and nature and God will do the rest. We must never speak negative words but use expanded negative energy to boost our substance.

Converted negative energy is our key to freedom! FREEDOM IS AWESOME!

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John E Head

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