A New Awakening

Before America
Many civilizations existed long before America, emphasizing truth to ensure their offspring received accurate information for their well-being. Members of these societies endeavored to preserve their knowledge through various means, such as inscriptions on rocks and other convenient surfaces. These inscriptions allowed them to pass on their wisdom to their children, families, and society members, creating a safer and more perfect environment.
Ancient societies recorded their findings on papyri, creating inscriptions and images that reflected their discoveries. This ensured that the information provided was accurate and could be used as a reference for future generations. Documents such as the Rosetta Stone, the Emerald Tablets, hieroglyphics, artifacts, monuments, and statues were commonplace. Laws like Maat were established to guide people based on human activity, helping them to live in harmony and please God.
Through truth, more perfect societies were formed, enabling civility. In societies such as Kemet, people prioritized the afterlife over their current lives, placing great emphasis on pleasing God as depicted in their inscriptions. They valued peace more than war and, as a result, did not prepare for conflict. This lack of preparation made them vulnerable to conquest by other nations.
Although the people of Kemet were conquered many times, their technology and culture were envied and often adopted by their captors. Over time, their profound culture and technological advancements gained recognition from nations worldwide.
America's Uniqueness
Unlike other nations, America was created by individuals seeking refuge from oppressive societies. Many people sought freedom but often disregarded the customs of others. Due to their superior weapons, they renamed and conquered the land's original occupants. Despite their quest for freedom, they discarded the freedom of others.
The land required strenuous labor to cultivate. Aware of other lands with less combative inhabitants, settlers sent ships to confiscate people rather than land, forcing them to perform the necessary labor in America.
The American Slave Trade
Slaves were treated as commodities, an affront to God driven by greed and power. European nations joined the profit boom, sailing to Africa to capture slaves. Despite knowing Africa's advanced technology and culture, they dismissed these findings, believing themselves to be superior due to their weapons. America's economic power attracted global envy, leading other nations to adopt slavery temporarily. Eventually, people of goodwill began questioning America's morality regarding slavery. Still, the most valuable attribute that went missing was the importance of TRUTH. This alone created a flaw that was difficult for America to conceal.
The Melting Pot of the Planet
America's fertile land attracted people from Europe, who hired slave ships to capture African slaves. Successes were enormous, and America projected itself as a melting pot blessed by God. Affluent people justified slavery by depicting African slaves as savage non-humans, a strategy also used against America's original occupants. The settlers devised a classification system based on skin melanin, projecting those with heavy melanin as less human. This false equivalency still influences perceptions today.
Those settling in America devised a classification system based on the melanin in the skin. People with heavy melanin were projected as non-human, and others were classified as more human by skin melanin, all to the end that white people were more civilized than others. This classification system was projected worldwide, and black people have been portrayed as less intelligent and more violent than others. This projection has been profound, as America’s massive media and influence have created this false equivalency until this day. This projection exclusively has enabled some of the most ignorant white people to believe that they are superior to all other people because they are white.
The Miscalculation
While white people lived luxuriously at the expense of black people, the latter were treated so inhumanly that even their genes were affected. Black people, created as intelligent as others, developed unique strengths through isolation. They lived in their heads for centuries, hoping for better, gaining wisdom in dimensions inaccessible to others. The enigma of Henrietta Lacks' blood cells is just the tip of the iceberg.
The Portal to Antiquity
In their quest for freedom and equality, Black people have diligently studied. They have also learned how to conceal important discoveries to reveal them at the precise moment. I can disclose that during slavery, Black individuals discovered the ability to not only read the future but also to connect with the past for valuable insights regarding what is to come. This genetic journey into the past has allowed some to access knowledge that was overlooked as they raided tombs for treasures. America’s inability to divulge the truth has enabled many black people to use this affliction to their benefit by secretly converting this negative energy to positive.
Blacks have learned the power of genetically accessing dimensions that are exclusively accessible to them as the result of the longsuffering of their ancestors. This wisdom provides a considerable advantage. Lies, deceit, corruption, and hate can now be used as a weapon of mass construction. While some are marinating in lies and deceit for greed and power, blacks are using America’s corruption as a stepping stone to excellence.
Contrary to popular belief, something good is now happening in America. Transparency! In past seasons, America’s lies and deceit were coveted. Those responsible for this confusion covered their faces with bandanas and sheets to hide their appearances. We are now in a new season. Affluent people have been unwittingly convinced to disclose themselves in public squares. Some have astutely observed the actions of one man out of millions attempting to do this. Their lapse in reasons has erroneously deceived them into believing they can reject the findings of many who came before them and the natural urgings of God. However, they have convinced themselves that the coast is clear and that they should let it all hang out to their chagrin.
Some still believe that burning books and hiding history is the answer. Their AI, robots, bots, algorithms, and sordid media organizations have deceived them into thinking that others are bereft of this technology and that they have exclusive control thereof. There is a problem with this, however. Many black people are already aware of their intentions and have genetically accessed wisdom from yet another dimension of which artists of deception are unaware.
Contrary to popular belief, transparency is now emerging in America. Lies and deceit are being confronted, and those responsible are revealing themselves. Despite attempts to hide history and burn books, many black people already know their intentions and have gained wisdom from another dimension that is now guiding them.
The entire planet is observing, and America's prominence is waning due to misgivings. While many affluent Americans perpetuate past lies, truth is now raining on their parade. The civilized society of Kemet demanded the truth, creating technology and harmony that is still admired today. Black people have now accessed this powerful resource through their genes and are poised to implement it in the new age. The entire planet will improve as people globally accept this reality and as black people unveil its value once taken for granted.