Disturbing News About Welfare!

The High-tech Explosion
Computers, robotics, artificial intelligence, and the like, have enhanced our quality of life considerably. Tasks that were once considered menacing can now be performed effortlessly by a simple program app. From the freshly brewed cup of coffee that we drink in the morning to the clap of our hands at night to turn off our bed lamps, are things that we now take for granted? Work at the plant, or in the office, is far less stressful. The punch of a button, or click of a mouse, just about sums up our daily work tasks! It takes less labor to get the job done, and production is at an all time high!
Some believe that automation has enabled businesses to decrease the need for human labor. Others argue to the contrary. The latter believe that many jobs are being created as a result of automation.
Businesses use high-tech devices to cut back on labor costs! Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that program developers will also create technology that is self replicating, and can be self maintained. Many believe that this type technology will cut labor cost even further. What do you believe?
Jobs once performed by college graduates are now being carried out by far less skilled laborers. Nevertheless, more high-tech developers will be needed to keep pace with an industry growing to the nth degree. This is very real and has enabled many companies to avoid paying higher wages, and to outsource labor to places where labor is far less expensive.
What’s next?
If jobs are made more abundant by the increased use of high-tech equipment, then it is evident that new jobs created will require extensive training. There are a few more challenges that must be considered also. Wages for middle income earners have stagnated. College costs are at an all time high, and government assistance for college training is on the decline.
How does one acquire the revenue necessary to obtain the prerequisite training to even apply for newly emerging high-tech jobs? Some companies are announcing that there are job openings available, but few applicants are adequately trained to fill them.
Let’s keep it real! Technology is advancing at an accelerating rate. New technology is being created so rapidly until the average person has little knowledge of how to use some of this advanced technology.
How can we expect untrained workers to wrap their heads around creating, maintaining, and distributing products they know nothing about. The new jobs that are now being created will be obsolete by the time our labor forces are trained to fill them.
High-tech equipment is designed to reduce the need for human labor. Advanced technology has enabled a new work force to occur that is less labor intensive. This is par for the course. This is why it would not be unusual to sit back in a comfortable chair, view or listen to a commercial, and get paid to do so. Labor in our society has been transformed to keep in step with technology.
Lessons from the Past
When President Roosevelt enacted the “New Deal”, during the “Great Depression”, there were logical reasons for this. The New Deal just allowed the U.S. government to start public works programs. Other legislation was enacted to directly jump-start the economy. This president recognized the necessity of a viable labor force to enable the distribution of wealth among all of the people. Some disagree with this philosophy, but it is undeniable that tactics enacted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt improved the U.S. economy, and also the economies of many other nations. Labor was just renamed and repackaged.
Hard To Give Up the Dough
Some call it welfare! Others call it free gifts. They label it as “getting something for nothing”. It is self-evident, however, that infusing money into the pockets of lower and middle income people increases buyer consumption and higher profit from sales. "The way" money is dispersed is causing a dangerous divide.
Certain sectors of our society abhor Welfare. They believe that welfare is an undeserved gift. There is little evidence that can be presented to change their minds. None the less, this group receives the lion's share of benefits extracted from this system. Their benefits far exceed those that receive small welfare checks. Contrary to popular beliefs, money trickles up! (Who said that?) Small business owners possess restaurants, bakeries, barber shops, churches, dental clinics, doctor’s offices, etc., etc., etc. An empirical view of their customer bases is revealing. Many in this group are oblivious to the impact that welfare is making on their bottom lines. Apparently, this group does not deplore welfare as much as once believed.
They only dislike how aid is distributed, nod, nod, wink, wink. If we exert a little elasticity in our reasoning, it would not be presumptuous to believe that even large companies, in fact, huge business, benefit greatly from welfare also.
Repackage and rename it, and claim it. Back during the Great Depression, they called it the “Works Programs.” More recently some call it Employment Development, Stimulus, The Jobs Act, or Welfare, to name a few. If revenue is not available for the middle and lowers classes to consume products, goods, services, and ideas, the game is over. We know it, and so does government, and most business owners. We must agree on a system of delivery.
Small and large firms must accept reality! High-tech equipment has created a labor force that is less labor intensive. It’s happening throughout the bulk of our society. Don’t be fooled by the ease in earning a living. Employment has become less labor intensive now, and even more so in the future. Get ready for it.
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