A Lifeline for Humanity
Contrary to what some may believe, we live in the best times. While many think the end is near, we see a different reality. We are witnessing unprecedented progress in humanity's ability to acquire knowledge. Unlike in the past, humans are now learning to adapt and apply the wisdom gained from the mistakes of their ancestors—errors that have long disturbed the balance of the cosmos. They have begun to break free from the mental confines that once limited their understanding of nature and the divine.
Past and Present
Our vast technological advancements have enabled us to revisit past eras, reconnecting us with the beliefs and cultures that shaped the laws and dictates on how to please God. Understanding and adhering to these teachings has enabled the wisest among us to appreciate the reasons behind these laws and their enduring importance.
Handling Truth
God and nature have thrown us a lifeline—a rope that, if we pull, will help us lift ourselves out of the grief imposed by those unable to handle the truth. Ancient documents like the Rosetta Stone, the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, and various structures such as pyramids, artifacts, and papyri have shown us wisdom. Yet, those fortunate enough to access this knowledge—those with wealth and intellectual capacity—have often resisted sharing it with all of humanity. They have chosen to preserve their reputations, prioritizing the concealment of their sordid pasts over revealing the truth. This is why they have turned a blind eye to these truths, just as our great ancestors predicted.
Is it True? Will the Truth Set Us Free?
Is the truth genuinely liberating? Let's examine this assertion. Some of Earth’s inhabitants have been forced to live under conditions far from others. This divide has led to developing two distinct ways of processing humanity.
Refugees of Escape
The typical way of processing reality is through the physical realm. In this realm, our senses—sight, touch, hearing, taste, and smell—are vital and accessible to all from birth. However, other dimensions, such as mental and spiritual, require more effort to access. Some individuals are forced to exist primarily in these non-physical dimensions through pain and hardship. Others gain access to the spiritual dimension through faith in something greater than themselves.
Often, those who are forced to exist outside the physical realm acquire strengths that go unrecognized by those who impose these conditions.
Eye Candy
Sadly, many humans today are vain, selfish, and short-sighted. They follow trends and leaders who cater to their instincts, regardless of how corrupt, as long as it aligns with the desires of the powerful and wealthy. Some even believe that wealth and power are signs of divine favor. Unfortunately, they turn a blind eye to the truth for self-aggrandizement for a fleeting season. They change their gods as often as they change their clothes, believing wealth, control, and power will suffice. Some use their influence to deceive the entire world, appearing virtuous while manipulating history to serve their agenda. This distortion of truth is the "eye candy" that has perverted the planet for eons.
A New Awakening
Despite the deception and the projection of false beliefs, the wise are not so quickly convinced. Some have managed to see through the lies. The "sleeping giant" has awakened, causing turmoil for those tethered to illusions. Just as the "Big Bang" theory suggests a catastrophic event that changed everything, humanity now realizes that Earth’s complete destruction could come from the ignorance of a few misguided individuals. The planet is vast, and its population is large, yet many are still under the spell of physical instincts. We are now being forced to connect mentally with those who have escaped the lure of wealth, power, and control.
Connecting Back to Reality
For eons, many have lived in the shadows of society. Even our wisest have been remiss in wisdom to understand how these people can survive harsh conditions and still trive in mental and spiritual wisdom that is overlooked by those untutored in this intelligence. These special people have been ridiculed, isolated, and mocked. Yet, they possess the mental acuity necessary to assist in providing the necessary balance to save us all. It is imperative at this juncture, for us to reconnect with them—not physically or spiritually, but mentally because our planet imbalanced. We must offset evil by providing more good. While physical or spiritual dimensions may have been neutered by lies and deception, we are certain that the mentality of indigent people have not been corrrupted by such deception. As humans we are still blessed with the ability to connect mentally with other humans to share their insights, and engage their mental energy regardless of distance, or positioning on the planet. The physical realm is not required for this connection.
Although we may live in different worlds, those who understand the importance of saving humanity are ready to join forces. Unfortunately, some are still unaware of the dangers posed by unstable individuals with the power to destroy us all. Even the most primitive cultures understand this. This is why we must reconnect with them, gaining the mental strength to address the threats facing humanity globally.
We are at a crossroads. It is time to embrace the truth, no matter how difficult. Together, we can forge a path toward a future where humanity thrives, guided by wisdom and connection, not division and deception.