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A Shot Over the Bow


In grief, we often ponder how and why certain things happened to us. Whether deliberate, accidental, or simply an act of Nature—or God, as one prefers—most of us are still consciously or unconsciously inquisitive. I have learned, and I surmise that most of my ancestors have also learned, that we must process grief mentally as it occurs. Maybe I was fortunate. I learned how to process grief at a very young age.

As a very young child, I learned to process grief unwittingly. I would be remiss if I did not mention the grief I felt as our home burned to the ground when I was about six years old. This was a learning experience. I learned that one cannot be judged by the color of one's skin, regardless of how many stories may lead us to the contrary. White people were the ones who donated so many items to us after the fire. This exclusively provided me with more understanding of human nature. Although grief came upon me many times during my lifetime of eighty years, still my childhood grief was the most profound.

A Time for Learning

My parents were one generation out of slavery. Conversations about slavery were most horrifying for me. My father often spoke of the inhumane treatment perpetrated upon my grandfather, who was brought to “the land of liberty” in the belly of a renegade slave ship. This is how my father interpreted my grandfather’s arrival here in America. Nevertheless, the most stressful story told to us was how my grandfather, at the tender age of fourteen years, was flogged with a cat of nine tails until he was rendered unconscious and left for dead. Other slaves revived him, and he vowed never to feel the cat of nine tails again. Somehow, he lost all feelings of pain and pleasure in most of his body after this horrific beating. He lived to be 115 years of age.

My dad was part Creek Native American. His mother was full-blooded Creek, but her skin color was black as a lump of coal. Unlike my grandfather, who is from Congo, her hair was very long and straight. I often wondered about these things even as a child, as he also told us many stories told to him by his mother, who constantly spoke of a trail of tears that lingers in my mind to this day. Later, I discovered that black people resided in America who were not brought over on slave ships from Africa.

My mother was less critical of slavery. Neither her mother nor her father ever experienced slavery. Her grandmother, nonetheless, was born in bondage. She seemed to speak proudly of her grandmother’s experience as a person in bondage. This, I could never understand. However, she portrayed a glimpse of pride as she talked about how her grandmother’s slave masters showed her favor because of her extraordinary skills in fashion design. Her slave masters showcased her skills by taking her all over the country, making clothing and money, which he retained for himself exclusively. My mother never discussed the enormous profits made because of my great-grandmother’s skills. Humane treatment and the illusion of freedom were most important in that season. Nonetheless, there was a bittersweetness to her story about her grandmother. Her grandmother also had a sister, my great-aunt, who was not so talented. She was given away to another slave master as a gift on Christmas Day. This event caused much grief, not only to my great-grandmother but to our entire family up to this day. Christmas in our house was not always joyous. There was always a period set aside for us to mourn the cruel treatment of my great-auntie. My mother would tell us this story, and we would all cry.


Although slavery and the mistreatment of indigent people in America have been the wealth and power builders for a few, many believe that they are immune from having to obey the laws of nature or any laws. They constantly disobeyed the laws of nature or God, as some prefer. These are the people who have always, from appearance, lived in a land of feast. They have never known famine. They have enjoyed the fruits of the labor of others for many seasons, causing them to miss the necessary understanding of the laws of reciprocity and nature that guide humans to peace. They only used God and Nature as tools, exclusively for power and control. Some are still cosigning known philosophies that have been abhorrent to humans for eons. They are dispensing with beliefs that have stirred the conscience of humans since the beginning of time. They are attempting to short-circuit programs installed by God for greed and power. They are condoning the mentalities of known criminals, extortionists, thieves, and charlatans in exchange for material wealth and greed at the expense of others.

Unlike past seasons, the cosmos readily observes them, as they have adopted and duplicated the lies and misgivings of their ancestors, who misused the blessings provided by God and Nature. As the world observes, they have discarded the blessings of the melting pot of humanity by classifying humans contrary to the urgings of God and nature. We are now observing many flocking to a debilitating mentality that will not only cause them enormous grief but also cause their offspring grief that will take many seasons to undo.

As the Fires Burn

As the fires burn in Los Angeles and many are distressed, we watch them and their ignorant followers attempt to blame innocent people for a natural catastrophe that only God could dispense. I have watched videos of people stressed and in helpless peril, blaming elected officials for a natural occurrence as their homes burn to the ground. These people attempt to support their misguided narratives at all costs. These people have emphasized blaming others more than correctly processing their grief.

Feast or Famine

Some have never experienced famine. We have watched the most expensive real estate in our nation, and possibly the entire planet, burn to the ground, causing many affluent people to lose it all, while the homeless with nowhere to lie their heads remain steadfast.

Only a handful of people living in these expensive homes in Los Angeles could have easily donated a fraction of their wealth to eliminate homelessness in the entire state, if not the United States. I hope that they do not miss an enormous opportunity to process their grief correctly. I can assure you that some will think about it as they scramble to locate a place of abode, as they, too, are now homeless.

Some have been blessed, others cursed, to possess wealth beyond what many can imagine. Perhaps God is pulling their coattails and enlightening them of their misgivings. Those who have now opened their eyes will perceive nature differently.

Thank God, many of us are now genetically endowed to understand the difference between feast and famine. Their culture and hardships have taught them that there is no feast unless everyone eats. If not, we only have famine, contrary to popular belief. Some have endured many centuries of longsuffering to know these things. The offspring of these sacrificial lambs have now been positioned to unveil this glory. The time is near for us to appreciate these sacrifices.

No Reason for Fear

Some are in fear! They are afraid of losing their citizenship, Social Security checks, VA disability benefits, medical care, jobs, and standards of living, and only God knows what. It appears that extraordinarily wealthy and affluent people are now coming together to inflict even more pain on less fortunate people, all to the end of becoming more affluent. Some of us have been blessed to understand that the end is near for merchants of deception. People globally are uniting mentally to subdue the wickedness that we are now experiencing.

As quiet as it is kept, engineers of quantum physics are now acknowledging that they are limited when using the physical dimension exclusively. They now realize the importance of the mental dimension, which downtrodden, humiliated people have mastered. Many people are genetically endowed with new upgrades. They can now intervene in the quantum physics platforms from other dimensions not contemplated by the untutored eye.

We acknowledge that when quantum physics is discussed, it is pretty complicated, but not so much by those with mutated genes. I will not discuss this matter further, as many will not understand. We must be trusted, however. Many are following our urgings, as they, too, possess the necessary understanding to realize precisely what I am saying.

As catastrophic events occur, providing humans with signs of the times, some still believe they can dismiss these signs and carry on without concerns. They foolishly rely upon their wealth and prestige to divorce themselves from their transgressions. Many indulge the notion of God to frighten or control others exclusively. They ride in their yachts, fly in their airplanes, and live in homes that could house communities of many needy people, but they have little to no concern for others.

They create mass and individual destruction weapons to intimidate others, sometimes specifically to amuse themselves and their friends. They concoct robotics, computers, AI, and other physical devices to deceive and/or direct the masses to condone their wickedness.

Some unwittingly believe they can control all narratives by using corrupt media outlets as they attract misguided pundits to carry out their sordid deeds. Some without wealth and power are attracted to them, believing that their ways are sublime and immune to failure, not knowing that they are party to conduct that is not pleasing to themselves, nature, or God. Sometimes, God pulls our coattails. The wisest of us all are equipped to understand these things. Do not worry. The tides have turned.


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