Masters of Deception
After eons of projection, some are still confused. Others understand what is occurring but are genetically incapable of speaking the truth as they fear their peers' reactions. Enormous spans of longsuffering have blinded many to accessing truth. The masters (no pun intended) have programmed them to believe contrary to their ancestral teachings.
Programs inserted by God are incapable of being erased. Still, human programming can be profound when applied for a period only known by God. This is a glitch-free program. This is why I am composing this blog this morning.
“A little dab ‘ll do ya”
Golgotha, also known as Calvary, is a skull-shaped hill outside Jerusalem's walls where Jesus was crucified with two thieves. Whether one believes the story of Asad and Aset, Osirus and Isis, or Joseph and Mary, Jesus always touches the minds of people with heavy melanin in their skin whose ancestors have endured many tortuous seasons. People in this category mentally and spiritually associate themselves with Jesus. Their spirit continues to suggest that Jesus was a Black man. Whether this emotion was inserted by design or simply a natural reaction, I will address this subject later in this blog.
Why and how did this belief occur? Those who refused to reject their ancient ancestral programming were often considered the bad slaves. They were tortured for their perspectives. Some who accepted their ancient ancestral programming were frequently confused, cognizant of their physical conditioning, and wise enough to default to other dimensions for survival. Therefore, they mentally, physically, and spiritually played the game of survival from more than one perspective. Then, some acquiesced to the programming of their masters. These are the ones that possessed, for lack of a better term, Stockholm Syndrome. Google it if you are unfamiliar with this concept.
Some bondsmen were very wise. Why not? While the slaves worked fulfilling just about every chore known to humankind for them exclusively, their bondsmen had plenty of time to devise means to control the people in bondage. Providing the slaves a little dab of truth amongst many lies worked very well, as it does until today. Corrupt and deceptive people continue to use these tactics to deceive the general public, although the season of slavery has ended for a few seasons, I hope.
The Skin Game
If it feels good, do it. This seems to be par for the course for the educated fool. Some have educated themselves to believe that life began in 1492. They are oblivious to what occurred long before this period, as doing so would not fit their sordid narratives. They have confiscated and enjoyed the technology, mores, culture, and some beliefs of people that they have knowingly, for some but unknowingly for others, enslaved for a few centuries. They have truncated, altered, and revised much of the culture for which they have educated themselves and their offspring to accept unconditionally.
People with dark skin color, mainly the enslaved, have not been asleep. They have been most alert, as their lives depended on their alertness. Although confused, some were intelligent enough to know that God still existed, although they appeared to be abandoned by God. I’m not wise enough to understand why, but their masters gave them a story about a savior. This savior was Jesus. When the story was told, many could relate to it mainly because Jesus was chosen to be crucified instead of two other people who were corrupt thieves. They were elated. This gave them hope of freedom someday. Regardless of how many images were presented to them of Jesus’ appearance, they believed that Jesus was one of them.
History Supports it all.
God is good! Throughout the annals of history, God has been right in our grills, allowing us to process unfettered truth. Whether it is Emmit Teal, Travon Martin, or George Floyd, etc., God has enabled humans to observe the story. Why wouldn’t black people believe that Jesus was also black? Nowhere in the history of mankind has a person, other than a black person, been publicly crucified while some stood by and cheered. Maybe they did not cheer publicly, but their hearts revealed how they felt, and black people globally got it.
Thank God on November 5th, 2024, like on Calvary, the people chose corrupt criminals instead of those innocent of wrongdoing, as the world watched. Because of these choices, some were bewildered, hurt, disappointed, and angry. Some, thank God, continued to believe stories planted in their genes by God and understood how and why this would occur at this time. They are not confused by the tricks and devices that crippled them and their ancestors for eons.
Now, the entire planet can indulge the wisdom of God if they choose. To their chagrin, some will turn a blind eye to this miraculous event. The energy expended to effectuate this moment is enormous and gratifying to those who understand how to convert negative energy to positive energy. Most are oblivious to the importance of possessing this knowledge, as they, too, have been deceived by wealth and power. However, everyone will be surprised by its effectiveness.
The Grape Vine
“Intelligent” and very wealthy people have deceived themselves that their way of thinking is sublime. Their desire for wealth and power has made them believe that if one is influential and affluent, they are privileged to wisdom, for which others are bereft. Many follow them and their mindsets and are lured to wealth and power by their massive mega horns and media of deception. Even after observing and embracing the wisdom and intelligence of cultures many seasons prior, for the love of money and power, most have turned their backs on the most important lessons provided by the portals of antiquity.
Our ancestors have adorned the Grape Vine and drum communication techniques for many seasons. Their existence depended upon it. Of course, those blinded by wealth and power will never understand the immense power of this communication method. They have constructed megachurches, Internet social media sites, algorithms, AI, and only God knows what other gadgets and gizmos to continue deceiving the public. Still, they are unaware of God's upgrades for all dimensions, not exclusively physical ones. Some still believe they can completely control humans by confiscating technology. They are unaware that when they seized the technology of other cultures, they only confiscated the things they felt were important to them. They were not aware of things that different cultures believed to be most important.
Wise people understand the power of a communication system that cannot be compromised. We can observe it in living color as we observe the Ukraine wars. Communicating in secret is of utmost importance. It enables the people to unify under the radar and become invincible. My point is missed if I require further explanation of this type of communication. If so, there is a reason for this also.
Projection From Calvary
We are now observing a cadre of individuals who believe they can undo God's wishes through AI, algorithms, media, and social media platforms. They have deceived themselves and their offspring into thinking concepts that are in total opposition to the will of God. Although some astrophysicists will concur, one is not required to reach this level of education to understand that the map does not represent the territory when we observe what is occurring here in America. Some people with enormous wealth and power believe they can rule the entire planet by accumulating wealth. They have obscured their vision for wealth to the point that they will steal not only one’s health, wealth, and pursuit of happiness but also one’s salvation if allowed. We are more intelligent than this, however.
God has blessed America by allowing America to be a melting pot of all humanity despite America’s mistakes. One would believe that people in America would appreciate this blessing. Nonetheless, people in America have been deceived and are poised to throw the baby out with the bathwater. It began when America started dividing its people by skin melanin. After years of longsuffering, even the indigent people of America bought the deception. The entire planet Earth was deceived by America’s wealth and prominence, not even observing from whence it comes.
America has reached critical mass. The super-wealthy are now fanning their fannies in the face of the entire planet, and their booties are very funky to smell. Some who believe they have infinite wisdom ask society to embrace their perversion. Yes. I said perversion. Now, America and the entire planet Earth are being steered by lies, corruption, and deception. Like on Calvary, Americans default to crucifying the honest and embracing iniquity for a season.
It is all good, however. The perversion is in the air. Everyone can now see for themselves what indigent people and those enslaved for centuries are observing. The good thing about it is we are not required to breach God’s laws to subdue it. We can now place our pitchforks back in the barn and embrace an enormous mental movement that has existed for eons. One must question if our nation would still exist if it did not exist. We would have “wars and rumors of wars.” Thank God we are now provided with the requisite wisdom required to subdue the beast of deception without confrontation.
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