The Hand
Throughout our planet's journey, humans have acknowledged the most important pearls of wisdom by etching them into their daily lives using statements or inscriptions. Although subtle, this wisdom provides us with a blueprint to navigate things that are important for us to understand ourselves and things that influence our well-being.
We have discovered that the” hand” has been referenced in many different societies and cultures as a symbol that can express various feelings that guide humans to certain positive or negative truths. The “hand” is the conduit of energy in multiple ways. Our research has unveiled that the “hand” can parse energy and be used as a conversion, rejection, or acceptance tool. We have found enormous value in using the “hand” to convert negative energy to positive.
Most of us have observed some saying, “Talk to the hand” when confronted with adversity. This inconspicuous gesture may go unnoticed by those unfamiliar with this statement. However, I would be remiss if I did not mention the “handwriting on the wall,” a handshake, handmade hand waves, hand signals, or those who are not going to court with bloody hands. The “hand of God” and the “hands of time” are familiar to most people. However, it is even more profound than this, as some words like handsome mean appropriate or elegant, and many other words in our society use “hand” as a preface or suffix.
Mores and Beliefs
Many nations have projected different mores and beliefs. The people of Kemet (ancient Egypt) possessed a civilized society that projected harmony, justice, and other beliefs emphasizing pleasing God. This culture of people created great monuments, pyramids, statutes, and papyri that weathered the hands of time and are the envy of the planet Earth. Other cultures have truncated, altered, changed, and edited the findings of this great culture to create societies attempting to resemble Kemet.
Various cultures have long overrun Kemet, raiding its tombs and confiscating this society's valued possessions. Nonetheless, few have embraced the humanity that has led this society to greatness.
For eons, people all over the planet have been in awe of the technology of the people of Kemet. Still, most have been reluctant to credit Kemet for its greatness because of labels created by other humans for reasons to be explained later. Still, many nations have been advanced technologically and morally by adopting an enormous amount of the technology and beliefs of the people of Kemet. Kemet projected civility. Civility, however, has been the missing ingredient that other nations did not embrace, as their warring philosophies would ultimately not allow civility to be adopted. Nonetheless, other tenants of Kemet can be recognized in different societies, especially America, which uses many of Kemet's tenants, which cannot be overlooked.
America is unique, as it is comprised of people from many nations. In the inception, however, America has projected greatness at the expense of indigent people residing on the land and others brought to America in bondage. The colonizers learned techniques to navigate the oceans, unaware that others had accomplished this task many seasons prior but with no intentions of conquering those that possessed this land. Although misguided, they stumbled upon the land we now know as America, unwittingly attempting to rename the people as Indians to conform to their misguiding.
The foreigners that invaded America were not as civilized as the people of Kemet but believed that might was right. Therefore, they confiscated, by hook or crook, the land of the indigent people. Later, they realized that the land was raw and very difficult to cultivate. Therefore, they found it necessary to import others to do the laborious work required to form their societies. Earlier, some had made voyages to other parts of the planet. They had found other cultures that were not worrisome. Therefore, because of their instruments of war, they quickly subdued people from the continent for which they had obtained knowledge by voyages to nations inhabited by other people.
After a few centuries had passed, America’s wealth and prominence increased because of the slave trade and the massive parcel of land confiscated lands. America projected the illusion of wealth and civility that captured the awe of the planet. The lure of wealth and power was attractive.
Sex, Death, and Money
America’s prominence was centered around sex, death, and money. The colonizers of America had fooled most parts of the planet into believing it was invincible. Men had an unfettered abundance of sex from indigent people and those in bondage. They had enormous access to money because their labor was free. They used enslaved people as a commodity. They could produce death upon their enemies or perceived enemies through their savvy instruments of war. Because they projected affluence, other countries did not hesitate to mimic white Americans' mores, values, and culture. Other cultures later began to question the morals of America because of the stench of slavery.
America was not oblivious to its misguidance as it was required to devise a mechanism to avert criticism of its morality. Therefore, it quickly devised ways to dehumanize the people in bondage. It made rules dividing people by the melanin in their skin, thereby designating people with heavy melanin, those enslaved, as barbarians, not humans. Based on this categorization, others were assigned categories of being more or less human.
Soon, colonizing Americans began projecting their sordid, uncivilized thinking upon black people, creating an environment around them that convinced the planet that they were ignorant, ungodly barbarians. This false image of black people has been projected all over the earth. People from all parts of the world unwittingly view black people in this projection even today.
Cream Rise to the Top.
Because of the cruelty of slavery, black people questioned their bondsmen's humanity, as blacks were systematically isolated from their culture, land, and beliefs for the benefit of their masters exclusively. As time progressed and black people were inserted into the environment of white people, black people discovered that they were not as ignorant as believed.
Although some possessed what is now known as Stockholm Syndrome and readily accepted their bondage, believing in a better day, others were able to shake the mental shackles of slavery by certain degrees, as evident in the mindset of many black people today. Some people are not as bright as others. Many black people learned from whence they came. They realized that they were not intellectually inferior to white people but, in many cases, superior. They coveted this superiority from their bonds, as knowledge was often a death sentence. They knew how others perceived them and how America always insisted on their ignorance.
Remnants of Kemet
Recently, much emphasis has been placed on genetics. Black people understood the concept of genetics even during slavery. Many attempted to connect themselves back to their ancestors for wisdom, realizing that their freedom depended on it. They watched their masters fervently attempt to exclude them from the necessary wisdom of liberty. Whatever their masters prohibited them from doing, they indulged it, as these were the things they found most helpful.
Centuries have now passed, and some white Americans are still stuck on stupid. They are programmed to embrace the projections made by those now pulling the strings. Most are very wealthy but have enslaved themselves in their deception. They boast and brag about a culture for which they have little knowledge. They have fooled themselves into believing that they are superior to people with more melanin in their skin. They have not hesitated to school their children by deception, many not knowing that they are deceiving them. Some understand these things but are so deep into deceiving themselves that they are recalcitrant to face reality. This is truly unfortunate. I would not wish this upon anyone, but we are watching a society that is decadent and confused. Nonetheless, black people have been able to revisit the culture of their ancestors in Kemet by acknowledging their genetic urgings, while others are clueless about how they acquire their prominence. Some nations are awakening to the intellectual abilities of black people, however.
It's global!
Many are dumbfounded. They are watching Americans vote against their interest. It occurred before when Hitler bamboozled the German people to believe in a superior race. Believe it or not, many Americans took to this assertion as a fish would take to water. They could not think beyond this malarkey. Ford Motor Company executives were so misguided until they sold Fords to Americans and Hitler during World War II while black soldiers fought Hitler for freedom.
Some believed that God blessed them to be superior to all others. Had not other nations and people of color assisted in fighting Hitler, our world would be different, to our chagrin. Americans could not process that subjugating people because of race, creed, or color is an abomination to God, even after Hitler attempts to do so. However, many Americans believe that they are unique in the eyes of God and every other human being is inferior. It is truly sad to see many races of people defaulting to this belief because of America's classifying human beings. Even black people with Stockholm Syndrome have bought this BS. They feel special because they believe that white people emerged from this philosophy and accepted them as equals.
Beyond White
I wish for no one to believe that I make a judgment of people because of their race. However, racism is apparent in America. It has always been evident to the wisest of us. We have been blessed, however. Many people of all races know what is happening, whether they are white as snow or black as a lump of coal. America has been steered into darkness by a few people with considerable wallets who believe people should be treated according to their skin melanin. This is archaic, but there is an invalid reason for this.
Divide and Conquer
Wise people globally are laughing at America. Many people in America are not laughing. They are aware of the technique that has been in play since the inception of our country but are afraid to acknowledge it. This time, the deception has not been created to divide the races, as ominous as it may seem. It is a roadmap to divide the haves from the have-nots, and many ignorant people are placing a noose around their necks.
The good news is that those perpetrating this morass are ignorant. They have not been abreast of what is occurring globally. Their wealth blinds them to the point that they believe that they can once again physically divide people for their morbid success. It would not be surprising if these are the same people who have lured honest people but people who lack courage in their world of deceit since slavery. Most are unaware of dimensions beyond their control. They were, and still are, too blind to see the powers that steer the human spirit and have not picked up upon the wisdom right under their noses for centuries. They do not believe the beliefs of people who came eons before them. They have labeled these beliefs as idolatry and other labels that have polluted these sacred beliefs. Nonetheless, many are comfortable with the mores and culture of those who believed to have made America great.
Some have discarded the laws designed to please God because their recent ancestry altered these beliefs for fortune and fame. Most accepted the false ideologies of those who had abandoned God for sex and money, not understanding the gifts that they had received when they confiscated the possessions of the people of Kemet. Instead, they enslaved them for more than 310 years. Unlike their grandparents and great-grandparents, they are not difficult to observe. They ride in their yachts, live in expensive homes, and fly anywhere on Earth in the aircraft. They are so confident in their AI, algorithms, bots, and wealth that they have taken the sheets from their heads. Now, they have exposed themselves to a power for which they are unfamiliar. They did not understand the reason for the handwriting on the wall. It was not about the writing but about the hand. We now understand its significance.
Paradigm in Nature
The exposure is immense. The things that they have feared most have come upon them. I get no pleasure in seeing these things, although I am forced to be part of the conversion process. I am left without a choice, as I have learned that when negative energy is converted into positive, it must be used for good exclusively. America must convince God that it means good, regardless of a few misinformed affluent people leading us astray for many years. There is so much negative energy in the air that converting it to positive is unavoidable. All that is now required to convert this energy to positive is to raise one’s hands and possess the correct mindset, which can be obtained here in this blog. I am far from being alone, as millions are now watching. The shift will be permanent and profound. God made America the melting pot of the planet Earth. It’s undeniable that God’s words are sublime. It is up to Americans to steer America from the curses of its deception. Join us at
Stay observant.